- addStickerToSet
bool addStickerToSet(int user_id, string name, string png_sticker, string emojis)
bool addStickerToSet(AddStickerToSetMethod m)
Add a new sticker to a set
- answerCallbackQuery
bool answerCallbackQuery(string callback_query_id)
bool answerCallbackQuery(AnswerCallbackQueryMethod m)
Answer to a callback query sent from inline keyboard
- answerInlineQuery
bool answerInlineQuery(string inline_query_id, InlineQueryResult[] results)
bool answerInlineQuery(AnswerInlineQueryMethod m)
Send answers to an inline query
- createNewStickerSet
bool createNewStickerSet(int user_id, string name, string title, string png_sticker, string emojis)
bool createNewStickerSet(CreateNewStickerSetMethod m)
Create new sticker set owned by a user
- deleteChatPhoto
bool deleteChatPhoto(T chat_id)
bool deleteChatPhoto(DeleteChatPhotoMethod m)
- deleteChatStickerSet
bool deleteChatStickerSet(T chat_id)
bool deleteChatStickerSet(DeleteChatStickerSetMethod m)
Delete a group sticker set from a supergroup
- deleteMessage
bool deleteMessage(T chat_id, int message_id)
bool deleteMessage(DeleteMessageMethod m)
- deleteStickerFromSet
bool deleteStickerFromSet(string sticker)
bool deleteStickerFromSet(DeleteStickerFromSetMethod m)
Delete a sticker from a set
- deleteWebhook
deprecated bool deleteWebhook()
Delete webhook integration
- editMessageCaption
Message editMessageCaption(T chat_id, int message_id, string caption)
Message editMessageCaption(string inline_message_id, string caption)
Message editMessageCaption(EditMessageCaptionMethod m)
Edit caption of a message
- editMessageLiveLocation
Message editMessageLiveLocation(T chat_id, int message_id, float latitude, float longitude)
Message editMessageLiveLocation(string inline_message_id, float latitude, float longitude)
Message editMessageLiveLocation(EditMessageLiveLocationMethod m)
Edit live location message
- editMessageMedia
Message editMessageMedia(T chat_id, int message_id, InputMedia media)
Message editMessageMedia(string inline_message_id, InputMedia media)
Message editMessageMedia(EditMessageMediaMethod m)
Edit audio, document, photo or video message
- editMessageReplyMarkup
Message editMessageReplyMarkup(T chat_id, int message_id, InlineKeyboardMarkup reply_markup)
Message editMessageReplyMarkup(string inline_message_id, InlineKeyboardMarkup reply_markup)
Message editMessageReplyMarkup(EditMessageReplyMarkupMethod m)
Edit reply markup of a message
- editMessageText
Message editMessageText(T chat_id, int message_id, string text)
Message editMessageText(string inline_message_id, string text)
Message editMessageText(EditMessageTextMethod m)
- exportChatInviteLink
string exportChatInviteLink(T chat_id)
string exportChatInviteLink(ExportChatInviteLinkMethod m)
Generate a new invite link for a chat
- forwardMessage
Message forwardMessage(T1 chat_id, T2 from_chat_id, int message_id)
Message forwardMessage(ForwardMessageMethod m)
Forward message from from_chat_id to chat_id
- getChat
Chat getChat(T chat_id)
Chat getChat(GetChatMethod m)
Get up-to-date information about the chat
- getChatAdministrators
ChatMember[] getChatAdministrators(T chat_id)
ChatMember[] getChatAdministrators(GetChatAdministratorsMethod m)
Get a list of administrators in a chat
- getChatMember
ChatMember getChatMember(T chat_id, int user_id)
ChatMember getChatMember(GetChatMemberMethod m)
Get information about a member of a chat
- getChatMembersCount
int getChatMembersCount(T chat_id)
int getChatMembersCount(GetChatMembersCountMethod m)
Get the number of members in a chat
- getFile
File getFile(string file_id)
File getFile(GetFileMethod m)
Get info about a file and prepare it for downloading
- getMe
User getMe()
- getStickerSet
StickerSet getStickerSet(string name)
StickerSet getStickerSet(GetStickerSetMethod m)
- getUpdates
Update[] getUpdates(int offset, int limit, Duration timeout, string[] allowed_updates)
Update[] getUpdates(GetUpdatesMethod m)
Receive incoming updates using long polling
- getUserProfilePhotos
UserProfilePhotos getUserProfilePhotos(int user_id)
UserProfilePhotos getUserProfilePhotos(GetUserProfilePhotosMethod m)
Get a list of profile pictures for specified user
- getWebhookInfo
deprecated WebhookInfo getWebhookInfo()
Get current webhook status
- kickChatMember
bool kickChatMember(T chat_id, int user_id)
bool kickChatMember(KickChatMemberMethod m)
Kick a user from a group, a supergroup or a channel
- leaveChat
bool leaveChat(T chat_id)
bool leaveChat(LeaveChatMethod m)
Leave a group, supergroup or channel
- pinChatMessage
bool pinChatMessage(T chat_id, int message_id)
bool pinChatMessage(PinChatMessageMethod m)
Pin a message in a supergroup or a channel
- pollUpdates
auto pollUpdates(Duration timeout, string[] allowed_updates)
Range-based interface for getUpdates
- promoteChatMember
bool promoteChatMember(T chat_id, int user_id)
bool promoteChatMember(PromoteChatMemberMethod m)
Promote or demote a user in a supergroup or a channel
- restrictChatMember
bool restrictChatMember(T chat_id, int user_id)
bool restrictChatMember(RestrictChatMemberMethod m)
Restrict a user in a supergroup
- sendAnimation
Message sendAnimation(T chat_id, string animation)
Message sendAnimation(SendAnimationMethod m)
- sendAudio
Message sendAudio(T chat_id, string audio)
Message sendAudio(SendAudioMethod m)
- sendChatAction
bool sendChatAction(T chat_id, ChatAction action)
bool sendChatAction(SendChatActionMethod m)
- sendContact
Message sendContact(T chat_id, string phone_number, string first_name, string last_name)
Message sendContact(SendContactMethod m)
- sendDocument
Message sendDocument(T chat_id, string document)
Message sendDocument(SendDocumentMethod m)
- sendLocation
Message sendLocation(T chat_id, float latitude, float longitude)
Message sendLocation(SendLocationMethod m)
- sendMediaGroup
Message sendMediaGroup(T chat_id, Algebraic!(InputMediaPhoto, InputMediaVideo)[] media)
Message sendMediaGroup(SendMediaGroupMethod m)
Send group of photos or videos as an album
- sendMessage
Message sendMessage(T chat_id, string text)
Message sendMessage(T chat_id, int reply_to, string text)
Message sendMessage(SendMessageMethod m)
- sendPhoto
Message sendPhoto(T chat_id, string photo)
Message sendPhoto(SendPhotoMethod m)
- sendSticker
Message sendSticker(T chat_id, string sticker)
Message sendSticker(SendStickerMethod m)
- sendVenue
Message sendVenue(T chat_id, float latitude, float longitude, string title, string address)
Message sendVenue(SendVenueMethod m)
Send information about a venue
- sendVideo
Message sendVideo(T chat_id, string video)
Message sendVideo(SendVideoMethod m)
- sendVideoNote
Message sendVideoNote(T chat_id, string video_note)
Message sendVideoNote(SendVideoNoteMethod m)
- sendVoice
Message sendVoice(T chat_id, string voice)
Message sendVoice(SendVoiceMethod m)
- setChatDescription
bool setChatDescription(T chat_id, string description)
bool setChatDescription(SetChatDescriptionMethod m)
Change the description of a supergroup or a channel
- setChatPhoto
deprecated bool setChatPhoto(T chat_id, InputFile photo)
bool setChatPhoto(SetChatPhotoMethod m)
Set a new profile photo for the chat
- setChatStickerSet
bool setChatStickerSet(T chat_id, string sticker_set_name)
bool setChatStickerSet(SetChatStickerSetMethod m)
Set a new group sticker set for a supergroup
- setChatTitle
bool setChatTitle(T chat_id, string title)
bool setChatTitle(SetChatTitleMethod m)
Change the title of a chat
- setStickerPositionInSet
bool setStickerPositionInSet(string sticker, int position)
bool setStickerPositionInSet(SetStickerPositionInSetMethod m)
Move a sticker in a set to a specific position
- setWebhook
deprecated bool setWebhook(string url, string[] allowed_updates, int max_connections)
Set webhook to be used to receive incoming updates
- stopMessageLiveLocation
Message stopMessageLiveLocation(T chat_id, int message_id)
Message stopMessageLiveLocation(string inline_message_id)
Message stopMessageLiveLocation(StopMessageLiveLocationMethod m)
Stop updating a live location message
- unbanChatMember
bool unbanChatMember(T chat_id, int user_id)
bool unbanChatMember(UnbanChatMemberMethod m)
Unban a previously kicked user in a group, a supergroup or a channel
- unpinChatMessage
bool unpinChatMessage(T chat_id)
bool unpinChatMessage(UnpinChatMessageMethod m)
Unpin a message in a supergroup or a channel
- uploadStickerFile
deprecated File uploadStickerFile(int user_id, InputFile png_sticker)
File uploadStickerFile(UploadStickerFileMethod m)
Upload a .png file to create a new sticker set or add to an existing one
Main structure representing one bot
Every method has an overload which takes <MethodName>Method structure which can be used to pass arguments that were recently added or that are rarely used and thus doesn't have an appropriate overload.